Overall, it is probably a good thing for virtual reality to find its way onto the cover of Time magazine. It gives your dad or grandma a reason to come over and say “Hey kid, that Oculus company you keep talking about is in TIME MAGAZINE.”
Then again, Oculus founder Palmer Luckey looks like a baby bird waiting for his worm. Or maybe he looks like Simba being held over the African plains. Or the Karate Kid. Or perhaps he is riding on the back of a horse with Vladimir Putin?
Then there is that sentence that almost seems written to offend every VR nerd on the planet:
“Palmer Luckey, the creator of the Oculus Rift, is not your typical nerd…He’s cheery and talks in normal sentences that are easy to understand.”
The Internet did not take kindly to these words. It responded the only way it knows how: Photoshop and making it trend on Twitter. Here are some of the best tweets responding to the situation.
We are just getting started…. CC @hmltn @oculus @PalmerLuckey @TIME pic.twitter.com/JV5QRRYSrZ
— Robert McGregor (@ID_R_McGregor) August 6, 2015
The beat goes on…@hmltn @oculus @PalmerLuckey @TIME pic.twitter.com/rdFErkelw6
— Dr.Alexander.Schmitt (@Cistolo27) August 6, 2015
My contribution to the Palmer Luckey cover madness pic.twitter.com/ohRKTIPvHp
— Andrew Freedman (@Andrew_Freedman) August 6, 2015
TIME’s new cover: Virtual Reality. Why it’s about to change the world https://t.co/1nbXSsF36w
— TIME.com (@TIME) August 6, 2015
Am I doing this right? pic.twitter.com/ZmCx969V1e
— Chandana Ekanayake (@Ekanaut) August 6, 2015
@therealcliffyb Couldn’t resist. 😉 pic.twitter.com/4NQKsHyYT7
— Sean Pelletier (@PellyNV) August 6, 2015
@therealcliffyb pic.twitter.com/EDJNh8Z6zm
— Michael G. (@MikeFalconG) August 6, 2015
@therealcliffyb pic.twitter.com/mUcxStVaVb
— Henrique Gonçalves (@Henriquegds) August 6, 2015
@ID_R_McGregor @MSFX @PalmerLuckey pic.twitter.com/FB2xdymz7S
— Epic VR Channel (@bigpotplant) August 6, 2015