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'Mindshow' CEO: VR Lets Animators Do What 'Would Have Cost Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars' Before

'Mindshow' CEO: VR Lets Animators Do What 'Would Have Cost Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars' Before

There are various mediums for creators of different kinds within the VR ecosystem and Visionary VR’s Mindshow is giving users a platform to create and share animated narratives through virtual reality. We reported on the software back in April, where it left an impression on us as VR’s “missing character animation and storyrtelling tool”, and CES 2017 has brought us a bit closer to the masses getting their hands on it.

At the event we ran into CEO of Mindshow & Founder of Visionary VR, Gil Baron, and discussed the application with him along with some of the other reveals at CES as they related to the creative platform.

Pixar is an incredible heavyweight when it comes to animation, their place in Hollywood affording them a massive budget to create their works. For aspiring creators, even the simplest tools force users to typically invest tons of time and money into something that’s not guaranteed to reach an audience at all.

“VR allows us to do something that, before this, would have cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and takes months of time,” Baron notes in our interview on the show floor. “Now, anyone can do it…What Pixar does is frame to frame perfect. It’s a profound art-form…this is something different. A lot of writers, improv comedians, even educators who want to be able to create content and don’t know how have looked at this and said, ‘Oh my, this is a whole a new way and there’s no one between me and my audience anymore.'”

Baron was also excited by the potential of HTC Vive’s newly revealed tracker or “puck”, noting how it will open new layers to animating in VR by tracking different movements and welcoming additional users in the same space. links to all of their social media which has been and will continue to post content created within the program and they have a number of creators that are working on new content. They’re in closed alpha, which you can apply for on the website, and will be rolling into open beta soon.

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