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The Illustrated Guide to the VR Investment Landscape [Infographic]

The Illustrated Guide to the VR Investment Landscape [Infographic]

Interest in virtual reality is skyrocketing and it’s beginning to make its way into the public consciousness. When we first began this site as a humble blog, we wrote about the impact of the Oculus episode of South Park on social media interest surrounding the industry. Yesterday in front of a national audience virtual reality got another nice bump thanks to its recent affiliation with the NFL.

Virtual Reality getting screen time during the Arizona Cardinals/New Orleans Saints game, the Cardinals are one of many teams using VR for quarterback training.

Virtual reality training became a hot storyline leading up to the season’s opener leading to a 180% increase in twitter traffic around virtual reality over the course of the week, including a 130% spike on Sunday, according to Topsy. And as VR makes its way into the minds of mainstream consumers, investors are taking notice.

Investment in VR has grown at a 64.36% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) since 2013, a number that is expected to rise as consumer hardware makes it to the market. As investment interest continues to swirl we have worked with Cubicle Ninjas (who provided the amazing graphical work) and Greenlight VR to create an infographic illustrating the current investment scene in VR.

Interested in learning more about the Virtual Reality landscape? We have teamed up with Greenlight VR, the leading data company for VR research, to build the most comprehensive industry report available. The 120+ page report is available now and can be purchased on Greenlight VR’s website.

Here is what you will find within the report:


Don’t be left in the dark, get your copy today!

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