It’s been a long time coming but HTC Vive support for Three One Zero’s ADR1FT is finally very nearly here.
Writing in a new blog update, the developer has this week confirmed that its first-person survival adventure will be integrated with the VR headset next week on July 28th. It will arrive as a free update to those that already own the game on Steam. The game already supports the Oculus Rift, serving as one of the main launch titles for the headset when it released back at the end of March. Vive support was promised around that time and the developer will soon finally make good on that promise.
Early last month Three One Zero also suggested that the Vive version of the game might support the kit’s position-tracked wands in some way. The blog post also confirms this, providing a few details on how it will work. Apparently when using the Vive wands you’ll be able to move as you would with a standard gamepad, but you’ll also be able to reach out and grab objects – specifically the air canisters you need to survive – using realistic actions. The game will still support standard gamepads, however, and can be played either seated or standing. There’s no roomscale support.
The developer’s Adam Orth noted that the motion controls added an “incredible new layer” to ADR1FT that “changes it fundamentally”. What Three One Zero hasn’t yet confirmed is if Oculus Touch support could be on the table once those devices launch for the Oculus Rift later this year.
We’re interested to see how motion controls change the ADR1FT experience. We reviewed the Rift version of the game all the way back at launch and cited poor VR implementation as one of its major issues. Perhaps these new controls could help change that somewhat.
ADR1FT also launched on PlayStation 4 last week though, sadly, there are no plans to support the upcoming PlayStation VR headset right now. An Xbox One version will also be following later on in the year.