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Affected: The Manor Sequel Confirmed 'For All Major Platforms' In 2023

Affected: The Manor Sequel Confirmed 'For All Major Platforms' In 2023
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Six years on from Affected: The Manor, Fallen Planet Studios has revealed that direct follow up Affected: The Asylum launches in 2023.

Revealed during EGX London’s VR Game Spotlight, Affected: The Asylum promises a story-driven adventure across three acts. Set inside Red Park Asylum, strange occurrences like ghosts have recently been spotted in this abandoned building. With curiosity getting the better of us, we’ll investigate the scene for evidence, and Fallen Planet Studios warns us to watch out for “chilling encounters” with The Nurse.

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It doesn’t stop with story mode, either. Affected: The Asylum also includes “The Assessment,” a four-player competitive multiplayer mode said to test “both physical and mental challenges.” Finally, there’s also “The Escape”, a free DLC that invites us to “delve deeper into Red Park Asylum’s history.” Working together with other players, this involves solving “fiendish puzzles” and pursuing a strange figure.

We had positive impressions in our Affected: The Manor review for Samsung Gear VR. We believed that “if you want to be terrified or, better yet, you want to terrify a friend while you watch safely from the couch, Affected: The Manor is an excellent choice.” Though we criticized it for “short playtime and lack of replayability,” we had high praise for “its use of sound and clever scripting.”

There’s no pricing details yet but Fallen Planet Studios confirms Affected: The Asylum launches for “all major VR platforms” in 2023. As for The Escape, there’s no release window but that arrives as free post-launch DLC.

Will you be picking up Affected: The Asylum? Are you a fan of Affected: The Manor? Let us know in the comments below.

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