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'Anshar Wars 2' Is Coming To Rift With Gear VR Multiplayer Support

'Anshar Wars 2' Is Coming To Rift With Gear VR Multiplayer Support

One of the most visually impressive games available for Gear VR is coming to the Oculus Rift in the next few weeks with competitive multiplayer supported between the two headsets.

While card game Dragon Front is coming this summer with cross-play supported, the arrival of Anshar Wars 2 for Rift brings not just one of mobile VR’s best multiplayer titles to PC-powered VR, but creates some fun new multiplayer opportunities for players. Friends and families with both a Gear VR and a Rift will be able to play a multiplayer game together in VR, with voice chat support.

The race is on to find out if position tracking offers a competitive advantage. I got some screenshots of the new game on Rift and pulled down a few of the Gear VR version from the OZWE website for comparisons.  Check them out below. ozwe-1b

I haven’t tried it yet on Rift, but I asked Stephane Intissar from OZWE which headset he prefers. He likes Gear VR.

“I prefer the touchpad standing up,” Intissar wrote. “But I am part of a minority of players.”

The Rift version of AW2 is played with the Xbox One gamepad and, to turn, you can rotate 360 degrees or use the stick, according to Intissar. Like other Gear VR titles that have jumped to Rift, it is expected to be offered as a separate purchase from the Gear VR version, which is $10.


While social service AltspaceVR offers cross-device multiplayer support, I’ve had little luck playing games in that platform so far. This may make Anshar Wars 2 a bit of a trailblazer as a made-for-VR game with players across multiple headsets competing in intense space battles.

The UploadVR editorial team has been looking for a good VR multiplayer game and being able to compete across devices from Gear VR to Rift is going to mean there’s a good chance an AW2 tournament is in our future.

More screenshots of the Rift version:



Correction: A previous version of this post listed the launch price for Anshar Wars 2 rather than the current price. It is now correct.

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