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Quest 3 Exclusive Batman: Arkham Shadow Story Trailer Reveals Gotham Threat

Batman: Arkham Shadow - batman punches guy in rat mask

Batman: Arkham Shadow dropped a new cinematic trailer for Quest 3's VR action-adventure.

Following last month's reveal, Batman: Arkham Shadow gave us a new look at the upcoming VR action-adventure game from Camouflaj (Iron Man VR) at Summer Game Fest. Set between Arkham Origins and Arkham Asylum, Gotham City finds itself besieged by the Rat King and his cult-like followers, who've abducted Commissioner Gordon and District Attorney Harvey Dent and threaten to execute them in a "Day of Wrath."


Detailed further on the Quest Blog, Arkham Shadow will also explore the origins of iconic characters like The Scarecrow and Harley Quinn. As for Batman, we find the caped crusader grappling "with the contradiction at the core of his identity - the use of force in pursuit of peace."

Though today's trailer didn't reveal any gameplay footage - gameplay will be shown at Gamescom 2024, Meta states Arkham Shadow offers "the same blend of exploration, stealth, and free-flowing combat the series is known for" across a full-fledged story-driven campaign. You can use Batman's Grapnel Gun to explore Gotham City, grab your cape to silently glide behind enemies and 'Detective Vision' also returns.

Combat lets you string up enemies from vantage points while attacking them with your Batarang or making an escape with Smoke Bombs. We also learned that Arkham Shadow features crime scene examinations, puzzles hidden across this world, and hidden collectibles. Further details like undercover missions were also mentioned in a recent ESRB rating.

Batman: Arkham Shadow arrives on Quest 3 in fall 2024.

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