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Budget Cuts Launches On Oculus And Steam

Budget Cuts Launches On Oculus And Steam

One of the most anticipated VR games — Budget Cuts — is now available on Steam and the Oculus Store.

The stealth game that sees you lurking around hallways to throw knives into unsuspecting robots is now available to buy after multiple delays. The game is priced around $30 but launches at a 10 percent discount.

A lot of people who bought VR headsets early on were so impressed by the original Budget Cuts demo in 2016, it seems many will pick up this game no matter what review score we add to our official review. We’re hopeful the leaders at Neat Corporation — a small indie studio — choose to share sales milestones as it could be useful information to other developers interested in making a VR game. Indie favorite Beat Saber cleared 50,000 copies at $20 each in a week, and 100,00 copies in a month. It took H3VR two years to sell 100,000 copies priced at $20 each from the launch of hand-controlled VR in 2016 to this year. Budget Cuts is priced higher than those other games, so it doesn’t need to sell as many copies as those others to clear the same revenue milestones.

We’re in the midst of E3 coverage right now but as soon as we get back to our headsets and play through the released game we will update our review. In the meantime, we’ll be watching for reports on Twitter and, if you pick up the game, please share in the comments what you think of it.

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