In a newly released series of developer diaries, Crytek is sharing its virtual reality knowledge with other developers. The series follows the production of the studio’s most recent title, Robinson: The Journey. The six-part series tackles subjects such as frame rate, characterization and open-world building for VR games. Crytek began publishing the series last month, and it concluded today with the sixth and final video being published to the company’s YouTube channel.
According to a blog published by Crytek alongside the videos:
Today, in the series’ final installment, the team reflects on the Robinson development story from start to finish. We have all learned so much during the process, and we hope that—via our dev diaries and blog posts—you have been able to accompany us on that journey.
VR developers across genres and around the world are all working on the same problems as we explore this new medium. It is a great time to share knowledge and experience and to work together to advance gaming in this exciting new field.
The concluding video is a retrospective of all the lessons Crytek learned through the creation of Robinson. You can check out the full thing below.
Here is the full list of Crytek developer diaries. They should be useful to any aspiring game designer or programmer hoping to refine their skills in the industry.
Dropping Frames
Old Tricks
Open World
Invisible Boy
Blink of an Eye
Developer diaries are becoming more prevalent than ever in the Wild West of virtual reality development. There are so many new skills to learn that studios will need to share their knowledge in order to achieve success moving forward.
If you’re interested feel free to check out other developer diaries from the likes of Cloudhead and Epic Games.