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Demeo Adds 2-Player Doubles Mode
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You can now play Demeo with one other friend instead of three.

Resolution Games recently revealed that a Doubles mode was in the works for the turn-based tabletop VR game and it launched across all versions of the game on July 8. The mode allows two players to control two characters each on otherwise normal dungeon runs, essentially filling up the roles of a normal four-player campaign with half the number of players.

Demeo Doubles Mode Now Available

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That’s a pretty huge addition for those that don’t have three other friends that own a copy of Demeo, or simply want to organize quickly meeting up with one ally, not three. Even with Demeo now available on flatscreen PCs, it can be hard to find that many friends to form up a party on a whim. Doubles isn’t all that’s in the works for Demeo right now. The Heroes’ Hangout was recently updated which let players paint figurines together and the developers just launched the game’s 4th campaign, Curse of the Serpent Lord, and we even saw an AR version of the game being tested.

Would you be jumping into the two-player Demeo mode? Let us know in the comments below!

This article originally published on June 1 with the announcement of Demeo’s doubles mode and it was updated with release on July 8.

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