Fed up with all these cats crashing your style today? Fear not, we’ve got an exclusive new trailer of #DogmentedReality, the new AR mode for the Good Dogs iOS app, as well as new details on it.
As you’ve probably heard (because you almost certainly follow them on Twitter), Good Dogs is the smartphone app made in association with We Rate Dogs. #DogmentedReality will allow you to take a virtual canine around in your pocket and project it into the real world. Can you think of any better use of Apple’s new ARKit?
But there’s more to the AR side than just bringing a virtual doggo to the office.
“As players collect doggos and accessories in game, so they will become available in the ARKit-powered “Scene Maker”,” Developer Chris Etches explained to UploadVR. “Doggos can be dropped into the scene, along with their favorite toys + kennels (and of course hats!). Players can then export photos and videos of their scenes and sometimes there may be some surprises to find, so it’s always worth having a look around!”
Etches also noted that this will be the “first round” of AR content coming to the app.
Good Dogs will be adding #DogmentedReality this fall, once the iPhone gets its iOS11 update. We predict scores of people lining up for this app alone.