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Here's 10 Minutes Of Eclipse PSVR Gameplay, Dev 'Looking Into Move Support'

Here's 10 Minutes Of Eclipse PSVR Gameplay, Dev 'Looking Into Move Support'

Good news everyone; White Elk Studios’ excellent atmospheric adventure, Eclipse: Edge of Light, is finally available on PSVR and PC VR headsets.

For those that don’t know, Eclipse is a narrative-driven exploration game that casts players as a strandee on an uncharted planet. You uncover the remains of an ancient race and set about exploring them. We’ve always been fond of the game’s tone, intuitive controls and breathtaking environments. In fact we called it the best game on Daydream when it first released.

The PC and console edition of the game boasts improved textures, which is a welcome addition. As you can see from our PSVR gameplay, it uses the DualShock 4 controller on PS4. However White Elk tells us that the team is looking into PlayStation Move support.

Still, even with a DualShock 4 it’s a delight to revisit this world of solitude in a better headset. Sure, Eclipse is a little dated by today’s standards, but I’d still say it’s an experience you should see for yourself. We’ve recorded the first 10 or so minutes of the game in which you get to grips with the smooth locomotion and the jetpack, which sounds like it would swerve your stomach but comes with a range of comfort options.

Until now, Eclipse has only been available on mobile VR headsets like Daydream, Gear VR and Oculus Go. Naturally, we were keen to check the game out on more powerful devices.

The game’s still due on Oculus Quest soon. It’s even coming to Nintendo Switch, though there’s no support for the Labo VR headset. For now, you can pick up Eclipse on the PlayStation Store, Steam and Oculus Store for $14.99.

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