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Firewall: Zero Hour Trophies Reward Headshots, Solo Play And More

Firewall: Zero Hour Trophies Reward Headshots, Solo Play And More
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We wouldn’t normally cover the reveal of some trophies for a PSVR game here on UploadVR but, well, Firewall: Zero Hour seems like a bit of an exception, doesn’t it?

The list of digital prizes for the PSVR-exclusive shooter has just popped up online, and it makes for an interesting read. Firewall is mainly designed to be played online and there’s no story to speak of, so you won’t need to worry about spoiling any plot. It does look like you’ll need to sharpen your skills if you have any intention of going for the platinum trophy though; one challenge wants you to rack up 500 headsets in public matches, while others ask you to be the last man standing on your team or wipe out the entire enemy team by yourself.

There are a handful of trophies for those looking to play in solo, though, including winning over 100 single-player matches. That seems like a bit of a grind, especially for those of you that aren’t looking to play in single-player, though you’ll certainly know the maps by the back of your hand if you pull it off.

The full list is below. Look out for plenty more Firewall coverage on our behalf this week.

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Darkweb Legend
Unlock all other trophies.

Win by hacking the laptop in a Solo or Public match.

Strength in Numbers
Win a Public CO-OP Training match with all of your teammates alive.

As a Defender, win a Public Contracts match by killing all 4 members of the attacking team while your entire team is dead.

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In a Solo or Public match, breach an enemy blocked door with C4.

Too Soon
In a Public Contracts match, kill a player with their own C4 by shooting it.

In Public matches, get 200 player revives using the Revive Pistol.

Win 20 Public CO-OP matches.

First Blood
In a Public Contracts match, kill your first enemy player.

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Get 4 confirmed kills in one Public Contracts match.

Lone Survivor
Win a Public Contracts match as the only surviving player on your team.

In a Public Contracts match, revive a friendly player then kill the enemy player that downed them.

Size Matters
In a Public Contracts match, get a longshot kill with a pistol.

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No Remorse
In a Public Contracts match, kill an enemy while they are reviving a downed teammate.

Training Wheels
Complete the tutorial.

Invisible Contractor
Kill 100 A.I. in Solo or CO-OP Training matches.

Weapons Master
Purchase every weapon in the game.

Purchase all attachments and equipment in the game.

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Win a Public Contracts match without losing a single teammate.

Deleted Emails
In Solo or Public matches, steal 15 pieces of Intel.

Change Your Password
In Solo or Public matches, steal 50 pieces of Intel.

Election Data
In Solo or Public matches, steal 100 pieces of Intel.

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Aim High
Get 50 headshot kills in Public Contracts matches.

Between The Eyes
Get 100 headshot kills in Public Contracts matches.

On Target
Get 500 headshot kills in Public Contracts matches.

In a Public Contracts match, shoot and kill an enemy you can’t see.

Scotty Neville
Win 100 Solo matches

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