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GDC 2017: Raw Data Studio Announces Sprint Vector - Blazing Fast VR

GDC 2017: Raw Data Studio Announces Sprint Vector - Blazing Fast VR

At GDC 2017, virtual reality gaming studio Survios is announcing Sprint Vector — a brand new experience focusing on one thing above all else: speed.

Survios is one of the very few VR studios that we can say definitively have been successful. Since the launch of the HTC Vive headset last year, the team has announced sales exceeding $1 million and a $50 million round of venture capital funding. At the core of this success is Raw Data — a highly polished VR title that rose to prominence through an emphasis on fun, fast, weapons-based gameplay. In the earliest days of VR people really wanted to shoot things and slice things and Survios was all too happy to feed that hunger.

Earlier this week, Survios announced that Raw Data would be coming to the Oculus Rift and now they’re following that news up with an entirely new experience: Sprint Vector. We had the chance to speak with the studio about this new title and what makes it unique.

“Sprint Vector is completely different from Raw Data,” a Survios representative told us over the phone. “We kept hearing that natural locomotion is impossible in VR. It makes people too nauseous. So instead of giving in to that we decided to prove them wrong. In this game players are not just walking or strolling, they are running jumping flying on the ground through the air using our fluid locomotion.”

This fluid locomotion system is the key mechanic for Sprint Vector. By putting your arms in front of you and pulling the world, you can achieve blazing fast speeds. We’ve seen locomotion methods like this before, but Survios is combining it with a momentum system that really ramps up the speed.

In Sprint Vector you can race your friends or NPCs around other worldy tracks or up the sides of buildings at speeds as high as 300 miles per hour. According to Survios, players are reporting no motion sickness in their tests even at these high speeds.

Details are still sparse concerning a release date, price or final platform for Sprint Vector. As of now the game only exists as an early prototype for the HTC Vive. We’ll bring you more Sprint Vector news as it develops.


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