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Hellfire Is A Multiplayer Update For Mech Combat Game Archangel Coming This June

Hellfire Is A Multiplayer Update For Mech Combat Game Archangel Coming This June
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What’s the only possible thing that could ever be better than piloting a mech and blowing stuff up? Well, not being locked to an on-rails only experience is a good start, but after that it’s gotten be throwing in more mechs and making it a multiplayer affair. The upcoming Archangel: Hellfire update aims to remedy both of those issues with the introduction of both a cooperative horde-based PvE and PvP multiplayer mode.

The Hellfire update will be completely free for everyone that owns Archangel already. Given how abbreviated the campaign was in the base game — and specifically the lack of free movement — all of this content feels like it should have been included in the base game to begin with. Thankfully it’s free.

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“Archangel: Hellfire will deliver the most intense and immersive multiplayer mech combat that players have ever experienced,” said Peter Akemann, President of Skydance Interactive, in a prepared statement. “The team is working hard to bring the player-versus-player off-rails combat that fans have been asking for, and really embody that fantasy of piloting a giant building-sized mech. And with the free team PvP multiplayer experience, all VR gamers will soon have a chance to hop into the cockpit and prove their mettle.”

Hellfire will add four new maps to the game as well as “six new warrior mechs and three distinct classes, each with their own powerful abilities and custom weapon systems,” according to a press release. We’re eager to see how all of this translates over along with free locomotion.

Early Access for the Team Deathmatch mode is planned to be available next month on May 25th with a full launch planned for June 28th. We should get to see some gameplay footage of the new modes as well in a couple of weeks on May 5th.

The update is planned for both Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. Let us know what you think of the news down in the comments below!

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