Nintendo’s new game console, the Switch, is a really nice piece of hardware. It’s incredibly comfortable to play in handheld mode, switches seamlessly to docked TV mode, and has a wealth of playstyles to fit any situation. The fact that it also happens to be the best way to play The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is just a huge dollop of gravy on top.
Back when the Switch was first announced, a lot of people were wondering if it would include any VR or AR support given the multitude of rumors. As it turns out, that wasn’t meant to be. We’ve made wishlists of game franchises we’d want to see in VR from Nintendo and the company’s president, Tatsumi Kimishima, has even stated that they’ve been experimenting with the technology, but won’t get involved util comfort issues are resolved.

The Joycon controllers are impressive with motion-sensing and incredibly precise rumble features that would be great for VR games, similar to the Oculus Touch, HTC Vive, or PlayStation Move. Realistically if the Switch does ever get VR support, a bit more work is needed though. The screen’s resolution is far too low (and too large and heavy to be comfortable) but it’s still fun to think about.
Down below we’ve included a bunch of mock-up images from industrial designer Antoine Beynel that give us a glimpse into what a future design from Nintendo might look like. As long as it doesn’t suffer the same fate as the poorly conceived Virtual Boy, we’d be all for it!
h/t – NintendoLife