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New HTC Vive Releases for the Week of 07/17/16

New HTC Vive Releases for the Week of 07/17/16
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Ever since the Steam Summer Sale, the heat has really been turning up on Steam for HTC Vive owners. Everything from short, cheap experiences, to full games, to things in between are making their way onto HTC and Valve’s flagship VR platform. This week is no different, with plenty of games and apps to choose from no matter who you are.

If you missed last week, you can see those new releases here. And don’t forget that UploadVR has a SteamVR community group, complete with a curated list of recommendations so that you don’t have to waste any money finding out what’s good in the world of VR. Let’s get to it.

Wildlife VR, from Rocket Science Club

Release Date: 07/16/16 Price: $2.99

In the space of just a few weeks we have two Duck Hunt clones for VR. Really. Wildlife VR is a dual-wielding shooter in which you assassinate wildlife in midair. It looks incredibly basic and is billed as more of a relaxing shooter that’s good for first-time players. Personally, we’d rather recommend something a little more compelling to newbies.

Recommendation: Even at this cheaper price we’d avoid Wildlife VR. There are (plenty of) more interesting gallery shooters, some of which are free.

Trials on Tatooine, from ILMxLAB

Release Date: 07/18/16 Price: Free

Star Wars in VR! That’s the promise behind the short demo and it certainly delivers if only briefly. Take on the role of a Jedi apprentice, repair the iconic Millennium Falcon and even take up a lightsaber in this free experience. Not everyone’s happy with the game’s length, but we had a lot of fun with Trials on Tatooine. Don’t miss out.

Recommendation: Free official Star Wars VR? Shut up and don’t take our money! Even if it is super short!

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VR Disc Golf, from FRS Game Studio

Release Date: 07/18/16 Price: $9.99 (Currently 10%)

Competitive, local-multiplayer focused, VR games are a rare breed that we need more of right now, which makes VR Disc Golf stand out a bit. The visuals leave a lot ot be desired, but the disc throwing physics work well and it’s pretty fun to play. Lots of future updates planned.

Recommendation: If you like playing stuff like Cloudlands Minigolf in VR, this would be perfect for you.

Baskhead, from VRLINES

Release Date: 07/19/16 Price: $4.99

Baskhead promises basketball as you’ve never played it before. Instead of the player, you take on the role of the hoop, and must catch balls thrown at you. You can build combos across an Arcade mode that lasts 45 seconds, a no strike allowed Ultimate mode, a Survival mode against the clock and even a multiplayer option in which 9 friends switch between using the same headset.

Recommendation: Baskhead is a different take on a sport with some good content. We approve.

The Assembly, from nDreams

Release Date: 07/19/16 Price: $29.99

It’s been a long time coming, but nDreams’ The Assembly is finally available from this week. This is an engrossing first-person adventure in which you’ll control two different protagonists as you explore a secret underground layer belonging to the titular organization. There are puzzles and choices aplenty to be made as you study lab experiments and surreal setups.

Recommendation: We reviewed The Assembly and quite liked it. $30 is a little steep, but it’s an interesting experience.

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Simple VR Video Player, from

Release Date: 07/19/16 Price: $7.99 (Currently 15%)

Just like the title says, Simple VR Video Player makes watching any video – 2D, 3D, 360, or whatever – super simple and easy. It was designed from the ground up with the HTC Vive and motion controllers in mind, so you don’t have to fumble around with your keyboard or mouse.

Recommendation: Works great and gets the job done. It’s like VLC Media Player of VR.

VeeR Pong, from Ian Slattery

Release Date: 07/19/16 Price: $9.99 (Currently 20%)

From our article about the game: “VeeR Pong is the technological evolution of the backyard beer pong drinking game. Instead of red cups and a ping pong ball, though, you need an HTC Vive and a $1,000 PC.” Simply put, VeeR Pong is simple and it’s decent.

Recommendation: Lacking obvious features currently, so probably better to just hold off for now.

my own pet

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My Own Pet, from JDMSoftware

Release Date: 07/19/16 Price: $9.99

If you took the concept behind the underrated N64 game, Hey You Pikachu!, and used a slightly creepy bunny instead of an adorable yellow creature, then you’re on the right track regarding My Own Pet. It’s a barely existent shell of an experience currently and offers very little in the way of content.

Recommendation: I’d like to play a pet simulator in VR, but not this one.

stars matrixstudio

Stars, from MatrixStudio

Release Date: 07/19/16 Price: $5.99

Sit back, relax, and learn about the constellations in Stars. There is some nice music and solid information about 12 different star constellations, but I’m afraid there isn’t a whole lot here to keep you coming back.

Recommendation: Simple, well-made, and informative. Great for education, but the novelty can wear off quickly. 

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Emergence Fractal Universe, from Paul Wand

Release Date: 07/20/16 Price: $4.99 (Currently 16%)

I honestly have no idea what’s going on here with Emergency Fractal Universe, but maybe that’s the point? The Steam page describes this as a, “Fractal explorer and editor for HTC Vive” and assures you that the meditative soundtrack is included. You can also do things like adjust parameters to see how they work.

Recommendation: This one is tripping me out. If it looks cool to you, then maybe you’re the target audience. 


UNCORPOREAL: Fluffy! and Alcatraz Island Lofts, from Uncorporeal Systems

Release Date: 07/20/16 Price: Free

Uncorporeal Systems took some 3D scans of live actors and put them into a virtual environment that you can look and walk around in. They’ve released two free experiences: Fluffy! and Alcatraz Island Lofts that are each incredibly short. There isn’t much here, but it’s interesting to at least see how they handled real actor capturing.

Recommendation: Even though it’s free, it probably will take you 5x the length of the videos to download and set them up. 

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Always Higher, from AntiAnti

Release Date: 07/21/16 Price: $9.99 (Currently 10%)

Interestingly enough, it seems like immersive sci-fi experiences have been on the decline on VR as of late. We’ve seen tons of genres the past few weeks, but not a whole lot of traditional sci-fi. Always Higher, despite the weird title, is a single-player sci-fi shooter in Early Access with some surprisingly solid visuals.

Recommendation: It’s still Early Access, so it might be better to wait and see where it goes, but it’s a solid start for a surprise no one expected. 

MageWorks, from Earthborn Interactive

Release Date: 07/22/16 Price: $4.99

MageWorks, at first glance, appears to be a lot more ambitious than it really is. Since it’s just in Early Access, there isn’t a whole lot here yet, but there is a lot of potential. You can do a bit of exploration and cast some spells, but that’s about it. Hopefully it turns into a fun and immersive full game sooner rather than later.

Recommendation: Even with the lack of content, it’s worth the price tag. Especially if you enjoyed Waltz of the Wizard.

rogue fighter vr

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Rogue Fighter, from Zane Gittins

Release Date: 07/22/16 Price: $4.99

Rogue Fighter is the latest VR entry in the space dogfighting genre. This one, however, focuses less on laser blasts and more on strategy. Enemies and bosses are randomly generated making this one a unique experience every time you play.

Recommendation: If you just can’t get enough of outer space then pick this one up, but if you’ve had your fill of the genre then there’s nothing truly special to see here. 


TrumPiñata, from KittyPup Productions

Release Date: 07/22/16 Price: $0.99

TrumPiñata is coming at just the right time for a nation in crisis. Whether or not you support Trump there’s no doubt that the US could use a nice releaese of emotions. Clobbering this virtual version of the Republican nominee for president is a good sight better than rioting in the streets. 

Recommendation: Make the right choice here folks. Take the frustration out in VR, not in your neighborhood. 

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