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New HTC Vive Releases for the Week of 07/24/16

New HTC Vive Releases for the Week of 07/24/16
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We might be in the midst of another massive Steam sale, this time entirely dedicated to VR, but that didn’t stop the development community from releasing another downpour of games for Vive this week. There is a little bit of everything for everyone this time around, so take your pick at what’s new for HTC Vive.

If you missed last week, you can see those new releases here. And don’t forget that UploadVR has a SteamVR community group, complete with a curated list of recommendations so that you don’t have to waste any money finding out what’s good in the world of VR. Let’s get to it.


VRMultigames, from Mad Triangles

Release Date: 07/25/16 Price: Free

What it says on the tin; VRMultigames has several different activities for you make use of your Vive. They include a pretty standard selection of Room Scale minigames like a fight against waves of drones, though the Goalkeeper Simulator does at least sounds pretty interesting.

Recommendation: It appears to be free, so it could be worth giving it a shot.


Audio Arena, from Skydome Studios

Release Date: 07/25/16 Price: $6.99

Audio Arena is this week’s Gear VR game graduating to bigger headsets. It’s an arena-based game in which you have to dodge enemies in time to the track you’re listening to, wither using gaze-based or motion controls. Power ups will help to take care of opponents for good as you try to build a high score.

Recommendation: Audio Arena was a fun distraction on Gear VR and there’s no reason it shouldn’t be the same on PC.


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Candy Smash VR, from Wadup Games

Release Date: 07/26/16 Price: $9.99 (currently discounted)

The irony of a Fruit Ninja clone releasing just a few weeks after the genuine article with the name ‘Candy’ in the title is not lost on me. A couple of weeks back I may have actually recommended you try this one out, but you most likely have better things to be slashing with your time by now.

Recommendation: Pass. Go for Fruit Ninja VR instead.


Roomscale Tower, from DuplicatorStudio

Release Date: 07/26/16 Price: $19.99 (currently discounted)

The name might cause you to think twice by Roomscale Tower is a 3D scanned game that’s attempting some pretty ambitious concepts, like Room Scale movement that doesn’t rely on teleportation and, uh, fights with dragons. It’s an early access release right now but this is certainly one to watch.

Recommendation: It could do with a better name but this looks like it’s worth your time if you have the space.


Brick Stack VR, from Andrew French

Release Date: 07/26/16 Price: $3.99 (currently discounted)

Another 3D interpretation of Tetris awaits. Brick Stack VR allows you to grab iconic blocks, grab them into place in a 3D environment that changes the game considerably. It’s an interesting concept that has you carefully juggling walls, though it looks a little rough around the edges.

Recommendation: Brick Stack VR’s cheap price saves it. This could be worth a look for Tetris fans.


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Space, VR!, from James Nye and Copeland Williams

Release Date: 07/26/16 Price: $5.00

Here’s a VR exploration game that lets you explore planets and moons in VR. It doesn’t look like there’s anything to actually do in these areas other than look around and maybe uncover some easter eggs. The graphics aren’t the greatest, so it might be worth holding fire on this one.

Recommendation: Better sci-fi VR is available. Choose that.


BellyBots, from Grumpy Company

Release Date: 07/26/16 Price: $7.99 (currently discounted)

Aside from having a great name, BellyBots captured my attention with its stylish approach to the VR shooter. Machines approach and you need to dodge bullets such as much as you do return fire. Also your shadow seems to feature a top hat and a huge moustache and I cannot complain about that.

Recommendation: This seems like a pretty good deal for $7.99, though it is in Early Access right now.


Broomball VR, from Rushil Reddy, Priyam Parikh, and Ken Watanabe

Release Date: 07/26/16 Price: Free

No one tell J.K. Rowling about Broomball VR. Just keep quiet and hope she doesn’t see it; this is Quidditch for the VR age and that’s something we’d all like to experience. I cannot confirm nor deny if it will enhance the experience by placing a broom between your legs.

Recommendation: Maybe it’s a good idea to try this out fast just in case it goes anywhere.


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Pong Champion VR, from DegaSolutions

Release Date: 07/26/16 Price: $9.99 (currently discounted)

Pong Champion VR has the unfortunate position of releasing just a few weeks after two other VR table tennis games released. And, guess what? It also doesn’t have multiplayer support. You think that would be pretty essential in a game like this but obviously these developers disagree.

Recommendation: Wait for this, or one of the other VR pong games, to get bigger and better first.


Glaive, from Nest Egg Games

Release Date: 07/26/16 Price: $2.99

Glaive might be the most violent VR videogame we’ve seen yet, but maybe that’s okay. Think of it as a sort of sci-fi take on The Brookhaven Experiment; you throw a massive glaive at scores of monstrous enemies across seven levels of increasing difficulty.  It’s one weapon we haven’t yet used in VR

Recommendation: It’s cheap enough to be worth a shot.


VR Fractals, from Phylliida

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Release Date: 07/27/16 Price: $1.99 (Oculus Rift)

A 3D viewer for fractal art or, as the developer puts it, “expect about 5-20 minutes of gameplay for the price of a large candy bar.” Fair enough. There are 8 fractals included in the game right now along with a code editor to allow you to create your own.

Recommendation: If fractals are your thing, fractal away.


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Russian Coasters, from Funny Twins

Release Date: 07/27/16 Price: $5.75 (Oculus Rift)

I’m not sure what makes these rollercoasters Russian. One of them is set in space. Is Russia in space? Anyway, this is your bog standard set of four tracks for you to endlessly drive around, each one carrying a different theme.

Recommendation: If you’re not bored of VR coasters by now then may god have mercy on your soul.


RollerGirls From Beyond, from Stonepunk Studios

Release Date: 07/28/16 Price: $14.99 (Oculus Rift)

Have we have a side-scrolling beat ’em up in VR yet? If not that RollerGirls From Beyond has the honor of being the very first. This looks absolutely bonkers and is designed to provide players with a challenge, something that’s been lacking in VR thus far. It’s only an early access release right now.

Recommendation: Steam reviews aren’t in yet, so we’d hold fire until there’s a clearer picture.

Steampuff: Phinnegan’s Factory, from Mister Anderson

Release Date: 07/29/16 Price: $9.99

Not enough Vive games embrace the fun aspect of shooters. They might have realistic gun models and accurate fire patterns, but when you’re strapped into a headset sometimes all you want to do is jump, dodge, and blast your way to a good time. Steampuff is nothing but a laugh as you careen your way through endless waves of robotic assailants, and sometimes that’s exactly the way it should be.

Recommendation: Fans of games like Space Pirate Trainer or the Brookhaven Experiment (minus the terror) should definitely pick this one up. 

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Home Improvisation: Furniture Sandbox, from The Stork Burnt Down

Release Date: 07/29/16 Price: $9.99

As much as we all love putting together our furniture from IKEA, its somewhat surprising to see the experience turned into a VR game. Home Improvisation is all about building, customizing, and organizing your domicile piece by piece. This can range from a nicely appointed mid-century-modern living room, or a horrifying torture basement. Four players can build together for c0-op fun.

Recommendation: If you enjoyed setting up a home in The Sims of Animal Crossing then this experience should be right up your alley.  

Black Hat Cooperative 

Release Date: 07/29/16  Price: $9.99

We reviewed this game for the Oculus Rift and gave it a 9/10. It’s a well deserved score for a game that combines asymmetrical gameplay, co-op, light hacking elements, and espionage so delightfully.

Recommendation: you can check out the full review for more information but trust us, this is a game well worth your time.  

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