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New Oculus Rift and Gear VR Releases For The Week of 10/17/16

New Oculus Rift and Gear VR Releases For The Week of 10/17/16

The curse is broken. After a slew of slow weeks for Oculus, there are some genuinely interesting and exciting new games for the VR faithful to check out this week. We’ve got a big release from Ubisoft on the Rift and plenty of other experimental and intriguing projects from smaller developers. Gear VR has a lot of great new content too, including the return of one of the platform’s best developers.

If you missed last week, you can see those new releases here. And don’t forget that UploadVR has a Steam community group complete with a curated list of recommendations so that you don’t have to waste any money finding out what’s good in the world of VR.

We also have a top list of the best Rift games and best Gear VR games— both of which are updated every few months with the latest and greatest options.

Eagle Flight, from Ubisoft Montreal
Price: $39.99 (Rift)

Here’s this week’s big release. Eagle Flight is the debut VR effort from videogame publishing giant Ubisoft and a compelling first-person flight game in which you explore a beautiful rendition of post-apocalyptic Paris as a majestic eagle. Single and multiplayer modes included.

Recommendation: Eagle Flight is great, but be warned it’s somewhat lacking in content.

Age of Diamonds, from Sidekick Motion Games
Price: $2.99 (Gear)

A new VR brickbreaker that’s played from a far more traditional perspective than the likes of Proton Pulse. Use head-tracked controls to make your way through mazes and relive some of the glory days of the genre.

Recommendation: Hardly an essential purchase, but could be fun.

Overflight, from Setapp
Price: $3.99 (Gear)

An ambitious project for mobile platforms, but that’s what we’ve come to expect of Neverout developer Setapp. This is a multiplayer dogfighting game using historic planes. Sit in cockpits and feel like you’re there as you duel in the skies.

Recommendation: Definitely worth a spin for those without more high-end headsets.

S.E.N.S VR, from ARTE Experience
Price: $2.99

This hugely intriguing and stylish VR project has you navigating a complex maze of arrows and is inpsired by a comic book. As you try to navigate the unruly surroundings you’ll find out why your character is lost and what he’s looking for. It lasts about 30 minutes in total.

Recommendation: One of the most intriguing releases of the week. Check it out.

Twobit, from Squidbeam Games
Price: Free (Gear)

Control a small robot in this interesting puzzle game, guiding it with just your sight as it navigates complex courses against a clock. It’s a pretty nice idea for a brain teaser and it’s free to play. Can’t argue with that, can you?

Recommendation: Gear owners should check this one out.

Vendetta Online VR, from Guild Software
Price: $2.99 (Gear)

MMORPGs are an ambitious line of games to say the least, and we certainly didn’t expect to see many on Gear VR, but that’s exactly what Vendetta Online is. Fight in massive space battles against other players and NPCs across multiple platforms.

Recommendation: If it works, this would absolutely be worth the $2.99. Here’s some more info.

Nevermind, from Flying Mollusk
Price: $19.99 (Rift)

Nevermind is VR horror with a twist, using biometric feedback to read when you’re most scarred as you explore a twisted world. The game will become harder as your terror increases, so you’ll have to learn to control your fears if you’re to progress.

Recommendation: Jury’s still out. We’ll have a review of Nevermind soon.

Boogeyman, from Barry McCabe
Price: $7.99 (Rift)

We all fear the boogeyman and now, thanks to VR, he’s actually real. Great. Step into the role of Thomas, a young boy that’s just moved house with his parents and uncover the dark history behind it. Use a flashlight to fend off the enemy.

Recommendation: If you’re brave enough to face the boogeyman (we aren’t,) then go ahead.

Room 202, from Play Nicely
Price: Free (Rift)

Now this looks interesting. In this free experimental piece you’re being interrogated by two corrupt cops, and you’ll answer their questions by either nodding or shaking your head. Stylized graphics give a gritty atmosphere to what looks like a promising project.

Recommendation: Definitely worth checking out.

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