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Unofficial Nintendo Labo VR Headstrap Gives Your Arms A Rest

Unofficial Nintendo Labo VR Headstrap Gives Your Arms A Rest
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The Nintendo Labo VR headset is an intriguing piece of kit for the right audience. But, no matter who you are, it’s easy to get fed up with holding the thing up to your face all the time. This Nintendo Labo VR Headstrap package fixes that.

Sweet Proof Gaming last week released an add-on kit that doesn’t require you to modify your Labo. The company mainly makes grips for gaming controllers but clearly spotted an opportunity here. It features two adjustable straps that will fit around your head. As it stands right now, the standard Labo VR headset needs you to hold it up to your face. You either do that with two Joy-Con controllers attached to the side of the Switch or by holding the headset itself. With this unofficial add-on, you’ll be free to give your arms a rest.

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Nintendo Labo VR Headstrap 2

The company says the straps will work with Joy-Con plugged into the Switch too. It will also come with cushioned forehead and nose rests so you’re not getting any cardboard paper cuts. Right now you can add your name to a reserve list for when the kit comes into stock. It costs $13.99 and should work with the kit’s Toy-Con add-ons, too.

It’s a cool idea, though not quite as flashy as the awesome Zelda mod we saw for the kit. It’s just a shame that Labo VR’s two biggest games, the VR mode for Super Mario Odyssey and the VR support for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, are both pretty lackluster.

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