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PlayStation VR's First Trophies List Is Live

PlayStation VR's First Trophies List Is Live

PlayStation VR represents a whole new way to play but, for trophy hunters, it also means a whole new set of digital awards to unlock. The first of those trophy lists has now been revealed.

Wayward Sky, the upcoming VR adventure from Uber Entertainment that we happen to be very excited about, has had its set of trophies posted live over on The game has nine trophies consisting of 5 Bronze, 2 Silver, and 2 Gold, each of which adds a varying amount of points to a player’s PlayStation Network ID and level. The list is complete with icons and descriptions, which appear exactly as they do with standard trophies. They’re mostly story-based rewards, so they’re listed below with a spoiler warning, but it doesn’t look like a hard list to complete.

wayward sky screen 1

Sadly there’s no Platinum trophy to speak of.

Technically these aren’t the first PlayStation VR trophies to go live; this summer’s surreal platformer, Bound, is due to get a free VR patch and you might have already picked up some of its gold and silver rewards. We also don’t know if any new trophies will be added for the VR support. Wayward Sky‘s awards are the first trophies for a VR-only game, however. While it doesn’t look like the shape of trophies is changing for VR, we are hoping to see a new way of viewing and delivering them when inside PS VR.

Earlier this month Oculus added support for achievements for games on both the Oculus Rift and Gear VR, while HTC Vive users can get Steam Achievements for VR games on Valve’s storefront. We do think that both headsets are missing a trick with what they could be doing for awards systems.

Wayward Sky itself casts you as a young girl named Bess that crash lands on a floating island fortress with her father, who is kidnapped shorlty after. You have to set about saving him by exploring the island in both third and first person, watching the action from up high when moving Bess and then stepping into her shoes and using the PlayStation Move motion controllers when it comes to solving puzzles and watching some of the game’s major events unfold. It’s graphically splendid and we can’t wait to see more of it when it launches alongside PlayStation VR on October 13th.

Again, SPOILERS for the game are in these trophies.

Windjammer’s Landing (Bronze) – Enter Ikarus

Zaddie’s Warehouse (Bronze) – Repair Zaddie

Hubert’s Gardens (Bronze) – Get caught by Windjammer

Merc’s Machineroom (Bronze) – Release Merc from captivity

Thaddeus’s Tower (Gold) – Defeat Thaddeus

Fowl Play (Bronze) – Play fetch with a chicken

In Tune (Silver) – Assemble all windchimes

Automata Hero (Silver) – Score 100 points on the arcade machine

Good Looking Out (Gold) – Collect all Automata capsule figures

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