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Presence Podcast Episode 1 | Tripping The Rift with Blake Harris

Presence Podcast Episode 1 | Tripping The Rift with Blake Harris

Welcome to the first episode of Presence, a podcast about virtual reality and the people creating it! We’re thrilled to have you along for the ride, and disappointed to tell you that our show isn’t actually in virtual reality just yet. But we’re sure top minds are working on that…

For our maiden voyage, we’re honored to have the author of Console Wars, Blake J. Harris, on the show to add his unique insights as someone well versed in the history of some of the most important console launches ever.

Two apologies: Our first show is a bit lengthy, but there was a lot to unpack with the recent launch of the Oculus Rift. Typically though we’ll shoot for 60 minutes or less. We’re also aware the audio quality isn’t exceptional, and we’ve already taken steps to improve this for episode 2. But we still think you’ll love it!

Each episode will be broken up into 3 segments. Here’s what’s on tap for you today:

REFRESH RATE (The newsy stuff)

-The Oculus Rift launches and it’s kind of important.

-Google Announces iOS dev kit for Cardboard.

-Mayo Clinic May Have Just Solved One Of Virtual Reality’s Biggest Problems.

FIELD OF VIEW: (The roundtable discussion)

-The Oculus Rift just launched…or did it?

-Launch vs upcoming VR launches vs traditional launches.

-Discussion about overall launch library and interface.

-Best use of VR on Rift, Worst use of VR on Rift.

-Is now the right time to jump in?

-Discussion about Paul Tassi’s “When is a Launch…?” article.

LISTENER QUESTIONS: (Powered by you)

-What’s the biggest thing holding VR back at this time? (Thanks Joe H).

-What’s missing the most from VR? (Thanks David @ UploadVR).

-Is “Room Scale VR” a gimmick (Wii Motion Controllers, Kinect)? I can’t see myself playing for HOURS in this format (Thanks Michael Q).

EXTRA SPECIAL THANKS: Kubbi for allowing us to use their incredible music. Please support em!

Kubbi @ Bandcamp

Kubbi @ YouTube

Kubbi @ Facebook

Kubbi @ Twitter

Final Notes

After this special first episode we will be releasing future installments of Presence every Thursday on UploadVR! Don’t forget to check out our sister show – the UploadVR GameCast – every Tuesday.

Happy listening!

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