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Presence Podcast Episode 3 | Urban Magic Fight Club: I Know Kung Fu And Sony Does Too

Presence Podcast Episode 3 | Urban Magic Fight Club: I Know Kung Fu And Sony Does Too
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We have one rule in Urban Magic Fight Club. Don’t talk about Urban Magic Fight Club. Well, we’re busted. But please, let your VR valets Jason and Joseph do all the talking in this week’s episode of Presence, a podcast about VR and the people creating it!

A heck of a shakeup in the console space, Coachella’s 360 streaming on YouTube, and Jason’s big day out to Insomniac give plenty to talk about on this week’s episode.

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Refresh Rate (the newsy stuff):

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Field of View (the week’s big discussion):

Brian Allgeier, creative director on Edge of Nowhere, talks details on the studio’s Lovecraftian 3rd person action adventure game with Jason!

Listener Questions (Email yours to

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  • With PC hardware constantly evolving, do you see VR head-mounted displays having yearly releases like graphics cards? If yes, what will this mean for adoption? If no, what will this mean for innovation in creating boundary-pushing experiences? (@ShankTheTank)
  • Other than price, what would you say is currently the biggest barrier of entry for new VR adopters? (Eric Bouchard)

Extra Special Thanks:

Kubbi for allowing us to use his music. Go check it out! Facebook, Twitter, Bandcamp.

Remember to follow Jason and Joe on Twitter at @killyourFM and @JosephKnoop. Check out a new episode of Presence every Thursday, and submit your listener questions to Also check out our sister show, the UploadVR GameCast!

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