Welcome to another episode of UploadVR’s Presence Podcast. This week the show is truly about virtual reality and the people creating it, as we’re thrilled to be joined by Oculus Game Designer Katie Chironis to talk to us about Farlands and storytelling in VR.
Joseph and I also debate the pros and cons of the Oculus Rift retail rollout, get all nostalgic over New Retro Arcade: Neon, and tell you about a new VR World Record!
Stream the show right here, download it, or get new episodes delivered automatically by subscribing:
- RSS Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/UploadVRPresence
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We’ll have an iTunes link for you very soon. We’re just working on finalizing our show artwork. If you have any questions about how or where to get our show, just ask us on Twitter!

Listener Questions (Submit yours to Presence@UploadVR.com):
Jonathan writes in to ask our preferred methods of mobility in VR, and if we’ve had interactions with objects in VR spaces that have killed immersion. Plus, we tackle Shank’s question about console VR staying relevant in a world where PC is constantly iterating and improving.
Extra Special Thanks:
Kubbi for allowing us to use his melodic, chiptune-infused rock and roll. Go check it out! Facebook, Twitter, Bandcamp.
Remember to follow Jason and Joe on Twitter at @killyourFM and@JosephKnoop. Check out a new episode of Presence every Thursday, and submit your listener questions toPresence@UploadVR.com. Also check out our sister show, theUploadVR GameCast!