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ResearchVR Episode 25 - Optimizing VR Experiences Using Analytics

ResearchVR Episode 25 - Optimizing VR Experiences Using Analytics

In past episodes we discussed different tools for user analytics: the quantitative analysis from videos (012 – User Testing w/ Geoffrey Skow – FishbowlVR) and heatmaps based on eye- and gaze direction (015 – Behavioral analysis in VR with Retinad). This week, together with Robert Merki from CognitiveVR, we went one step further – we took a deep dive into 3D behavioral analytics.

CognitiveVR is a startup focusing on saving the full range of user actions during gameplay. Instead of focusing on user testing services, Merki and his team provide tools to save information ranging from metadata, like room sizes or arm length, to session replays with a a 1:1 replay of what users did. The vision is to provide an automated user testing pipeline at scale.

Short description of three key features of CognitiveVR
Short description of key features of CognitiveVR

Everybody says that user testing is important. But why? And why should you gather quantitative data? It is because of how strong embodied cognition is – a lot of decisions, troubles, and actions are perceived and processed on the unconscious level, meaning that users are often unable to report objectively on what worked and what didn’t. More often quantitative user testing can only be achieved if the implementation of the tool is easy and quick. Hence, the CognitiveVR SDK requires zero additional lines of code (unless a developer wants to save custom events).

View in SceneExplorer of basic data types, such path and gaze heatmaps
View in SceneExplorer of basic data types, such path and gaze heatmaps

CognitiveVR has a wide range of customers – from medical training app to tons of games. Based on their unique perspective, we’ve asked Merki about his observations of the VR market. Most interestingly, while their clientele divides 50/50 between entertainment and serious content developers, it is enterprise that is particularly interested in user testing tools.

Enterprise loves VR (…), because you can measure and scale and track and record everything, and you can A/B Test everything so quickly.

How to subscribe and contact us

For more details tune in to another episode of ResearchVR! You can subscribe to our RSS Feed in the mp3 or
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Thanks to Robert Merki from CognitiveVR for sharing their expertise with us and our listeners. If you have any questions or are interested in behavioral analysis tools, you can reach him at:

Topic Suggestions, Guest Invites, and all other all feedback are helpful! Feel free to contact us under or via Twitter:

* @azadux
* @RodionVR
* @razialo
* @researchVRcast

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Special thanks to Nerses Balabanian for the intro and outro music! Find him at here.

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