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Lightsabers Come to Robo Recall With This Fan-Made Star Wars Mod

Lightsabers Come to Robo Recall With This Fan-Made Star Wars Mod

Robo Recall is extremely fun in its own right with some of the best visuals we’ve seen on any headset and super-tight robot shooting gameplay. You’ll unload countless bullets into the chests of thousands of evil metallic husks in your quests to rack up the most points in your rampage. But one of the best features the game has, without a doubt, isn’t even really a feature — it’s the massive modding community.

By releasing the tools to tweak and change whatever you want, Epic has empowered VR content creators like few VR games before have. Since VR is basically sci-fi magic and Star Wars is about the space wizards known as Jedi, then it only makes sense to add in some of the iconic items from that universe.

On the Oculus Forums user tonsta31 of MGS Studios posted the first iteration of the mod almost a month ago and has been consistently updating it ever since. You can even watch a gameplay video of lightsabers and recreated laser blasts right here to see it all in action:

Now go forth, download this mod, and fight back against the Empire. Hopefully droids or Stormtooper skins can be added soon. May the force be with you. And grab a few other mods as well just to be safe.

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