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Shadow Tracker Is A Polished VR FPS Exclusive To Viveport Arcade

Shadow Tracker Is A Polished VR FPS Exclusive To Viveport Arcade

There’s always room for high quality first-person shooters in the VR space, and Shadow Tracker appears to be just that.

Revealed in Beijing today, Shadow Tracker is developed by Tencent Games, which has teamed up with HTC itself to offer the game exclusively through the company’s Viveport Arcade plan. That means you won’t be seeing the game on Steam any time soon, but you will be able to try it out at VR arcades that have signed up to HTC’s platform.

Much of the information surrounding Shadow Tracker is in Chinese, but UploadVR’s has the game’s first trailer, which is something you should definitely watch (though beware it’s not the highest quality). The environments are pretty stunning for one thing, and the enemy designs look to boast a level of polish we’re not used to seeing in VR. There’s even a little platforming going on with what looks like a lot of inspiration taken from Crytek’s The Climb.

The game apparently offers cooperative play with 15 different weapons and 12 enemy types. As you can see in the trailer, a lot of the gameplay will encourage physical, realistic actions from the player, be it ducking behind cover, holding a shield over yourself for protection, or throwing bombs at enemies that you can shoot in mid-air.

Viveport Arcade acts as a kind of middle man between arcades and the developers creating content used in them. It ensures venues don’t use content without permission by offering them the chance to buy a set amount of time to access certain games, with that money being split between the developer and HTC.

Shadow Tracker should be available from Viveport Arcades from June 1st. We’ll be eager to get a closer look at it.

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