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The Exit 8 VR Creeps Onto SteamVR
Steam screenshot

Following MyDearest's previous port announcement, The Exit 8 VR makes its PC VR debut via Steam.

Developed by KOTAKE CREATE, the game first burst onto the scene as a flatscreen title on Steam in 2023, quickly going viral thanks to its uptake by major streamers worldwide. With such success, perhaps a VR port of the title should have been inevitable, and the game reached Quest platforms earlier this year. Now, it’s time for PC players to join in.


The Exit 8 VR is inspired by the Japanese metro system and the liminal spaces that exist when wandering its seemingly endless underground passages. We noted in our recent impressions on Quest that the port enhances the original experience, taking advantage of VR's immersion with the unease of spotting everything unusual about these repeating corridors until reaching the end. We believed the VR port elevates the game to new levels of tension and intensity.

The Quest version introduced new anomalies to uncover not found in the flatscreen release, and these changes will also appear in the SteamVR version. This edition is a new title instead of an update for the original flatscreen game, costing $6.99.

The Exit 8 VR is available now on Steam and Quest.

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Update Notice

This article was initially written by Alicia Haddick and published on September 4, 2024. It was updated by Henry Stockdale on September 20, 2024, when the Steam release launched.

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