Headsets & Tech Miraisens shows off 3D haptic feedback controller at GDC with mixed results 2 March 2015
VR Gaming Oculus is offering certain developers co-publishing agreements to help get indie projects off the ground 2 March 2015
VR Experiences NextVR brings full positional tracking to live action video in VR using light field technology 1 March 2015
VR Experiences An in depth look at all of the newly announced partners of HTC and Valve's Vive VR HMD 1 March 2015
VR Experiences Apelab to show first ever "choose your own adventure" series for VR at GDC 27 February 2015
Social VR High Fidelity announces $11million in new funding from Paul Allen led firm Vulcan Capital 27 February 2015
VR Experiences Popcap co-founder teams up with ex Microsoft, Valve and Disney employees to form new VR startup 27 February 2015
John Carmack to speak at GDC shortly after the public unveiling of Valve's virtual reality headset 26 February 2015
VR Experiences Dolby and Jaunt Team Up to Bring Atmos Enabled Cinematic VR Experiences 26 February 2015
Oculus announces $1million in prizes for a game jam to foster development of mobile VR. 25 February 2015
VR Experiences NHL exploring virtual reality with NextVR’s live-streaming 3D VR technology 24 February 2015
VR Gaming Unreal Engine announces massive 4.7 update with VR features and Leap Motion support 24 February 2015
NVIDIA planning to announce standalone VR headset at the Game Developers Conference, likely to reveal at event March 3rd 24 February 2015
Editorials The input question, it's (probably) not going to be answered at GDC, and it may go unanswered for a while 23 February 2015
Intel researchers point to new method of 'smart rendering' for virtual reality that will make games run faster 20 February 2015
VR Experiences Astronauts are training in space with VR devices that look goofier than AirVR* 20 February 2015
Univrses Has Big Plans for Mobile VR - Wizard Duels, Walking, Input Solutions and Positional Tracking 16 February 2015
VR Experiences The NBA and Adam Silver have 'mind boggling' plans for VR, and it starts this All-Star weekend 13 February 2015
Headsets & Tech With 13 new partners and a new academic initiative, Razer looks to foster the industry with OSVR 10 February 2015
VR Gaming Ex-Call of Duty devs confirm they are bringing a modern online multiplayer FPS to VR 9 February 2015
VR Gaming Valiant developer, Chris Parkin, hilariously impaled while revealing details about upcoming builds of the game. 5 February 2015